Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Netflix IPhone App Just Turns Grey Fix

Does your iPhone / iPod not work anymore for your Netflix application?!? Does it just turn grey or white after the red logo disappears? Well it did for me. I reinstalled mine and it did just what I described above. I found the solution here through Justin.
Hello, I am not sure if this “Fix” has been posted here yet. I could not find it. I too have had problems with the White Screen poping up secinds after load. Here is the fix: Your iPod/phone system clock need to correct. go to, find out the atomic time, and reset your iPod’s clock to the official time. Go into the netflix settings and just for good measure switch the reset switch. back out, and launch the app. it should work. This seems to be a copyright/time thingy. Let me know if it works for you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the article. Netflix app is great on iPhone. If live outside USA, you can use tools like UnoTelly to get Netflix on your iPhone.
